Birds As Pets: An Introduction

Advances in the domestic breeding and rearing of birds has led to an improved availability of healthy, tame, young birds. This increased availability has dramatically increased the popularity of birds as pets.

Unlike dogs, birds require much less care. A bird, or several birds for that matter, can be left alone all day, while a dog needs to be walked regularly. For many working couples, it is impractical to keep a pet dog.

In many apartments and residential communities, there are regulations that prohibit dog and cat ownership. In a small apartment or in the city, a dog may never be happy. When a dog is unhappy or cannot adjust to a living situation, destructive behavior and/or barking may occur. This is not only unfair to the neighbors—it is also unfair to the dog.

Many people that cannot own dogs or cats would still love to have an affectionate pet. Like dogs and cats, birds are affectionate and bond extremely well with their immediate family.

For many people, the company of a beautiful, unique, affectionate, and possibly talking pet can make keeping birds an attractive alternative to other pets.


The personalities, housing and dietary needs of the different types of birds must be considered by the prospective bird owner.

To select a healthy bird, look for:

  • Bright, smooth feathers
  • Full breast muscles
  • Clear, alert eyes
  • Playful activity

Shivering, ruffled feathers, shut eyes, and inactivity often mean a health problem. All new pet birds should be checked by your veterinarian, if possible, before the sale is final.

Housing and Environment

The type and size of the cage should be carefully matched for each bird. If a cage is too small or the bars too widely spaced, the bird’s wings may be injured or the pet may escape. The cage must be made of non-toxic materials that can withstand the abuse of heavy chewing. It also must be secured so that it is not easily knocked over.

Within the cage, food and water cups must be anchored. Dishes also should be kept clean and free of any droppings.

Perches of the proper size, material, and position are essential. Using a variety of perch diameters keeps the feet and legs in good condition. Sand paper perch covers can cause sores and are best avoided.

Newspapers (black and white, not colored), paper towels, or brown paper are the preferred bedding materials. These materials are inexpensive and allow droppings to be easily observed for problems. To minimize the bird’s exposure to bacteria and fungi, the bedding should be changed daily.

The cage and all of its contents should be cleaned regularly with mild soap, followed by a thorough rinsing. Stronger disinfectants approved by your veterinarian may be used periodically.

Healthy birds can adapt to any comfortable room temperature. However, sudden, dramatic changes in temperature can cause chilling.

Many common household items can be poisonous to birds. Some of these items include fumes from overheated Teflon cookware, tobacco smoke, paints that contain lead, chemical cleaners, insecticides, many aerosol products, and certain house plants.


To ensure that a bird stays healthy, it must be fed a proper diet. A balanced diet contains ingredients from all of the major food groups. Quantities of different foods should be adjusted so that the bird samples everything and doesn’t fill up on just one preferred food. A seed-only diet is deficient in many nutrients and leads to malnutrition, poor feathers, increased susceptibility to illness, and a shortened life. Processed foods (in pellet form), fruits, vegetables, cereals, breads, and proteins like beans, eggs, or meats should be offered to provide a well-balanced diet. Birds are one type of pet where we encourage the feeding of people food. Clean, fresh water always must be available. Nutritional and vitamin supplements can be used under the guidance of your veterinarian. Birds, like people, frequently have strong preferences for certain foods. Even if they are stubborn, we should not give up on getting them to eat what is best for them.

Veterinary Care

Birds hide illness quite well. Often, owners don’t even realize that a bird is sick until it is almost too late. By the time a bird shows symptoms, it may have been sick for a long time. Owners should be aware of any subtle change in the bird’s behavior. Slight decreases in appetite or activity may signal an illness requiring medical care. It is always best to catch problems early. As with most pets, birds benefit by having a yearly checkup.

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